Killian Auto pros had just opened a location in fountain inn at the sa... read more Killian Auto pros had just opened a location in fountain inn at the same time I was searching for a local auto maintenance and repair shop so I thought I'd give him a try with my oil change and a check over my car and for once someone did not come back with a very long list of things that needed to be repaired or replaced just recommended that I have my brake fluid changed some new tires in front of alignment which I knew all three needed to be done. So as a single woman not sure of auto repairs and if I'm getting took for a $$$ ride. I felt very secure with choosing Fountain Inn's "Killian's Auto pros Crew" to keep my car and it's best performance shape possible. Thank you Killian's Auto pros crew.
Very friendly , very prelesional. I will be back. :)
Great service as always!