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Auto Body Repair in Okatie

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Auto Reviews in the Okatie Area

  • KevinreviewedScotts Auto Body

    I took my jeep over to Scott’s and Tim King waited on me. He made an e... read more I took my jeep over to Scott’s and Tim King waited on me. He made an estimate and turned it over to the insurance company and they sent me a check. Tim made me an appointment for December 8th and he said he would call me before and let me know they have the parts and verify my appointment. Well December 8th came and went with no word for Tim. So I called him. He said “who is this what car was it”? He knew nothing about my Jeep or me. He said he would look for the paper work and call me back. He never called back. I called him again. He said he didn’t find the paperwork but he would make me an appointment on the 22nd of December and he would call me on the 17th to let me know that all the parts were in and they would be ready to go. The 17th came and went. The 22nd came and went with no word from Tim King. So I took my Jeep to a reputable body shop and the fixed it and got it right back to me. On the 20th of January 2015 the incompetent Tim call and left a message on my cell phone saying; ”Hey I got these parts for you Jeep. Are you going to bring the jeep in or do you want me to return the parts”. Now this is two months after I first went in and a month after the reputable shop made the repairs for me. It is like he just moved the fried chicken plate and found my paperwork.

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