Mechanic Advisor

Auto Repair in Holland

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Auto Reviews in the Holland Area

  • This dealer ripped me off. He lied to me about the condition of car. I... read more This dealer ripped me off. He lied to me about the condition of car. I asked if it was in a accident and they said no. Come to find out, it was in a major accident. I found out when I had to have the door aligned because it was not closing right. The body shop showed me where it had been hit, and fixed. I wanted my money back but they told me they had a no return policy... even know they lied to me, they did not care. I am having problems now with the exhaust system, the catalytic converter. I had to replace the entire braking system a two months after I purchased the car as well. Total thieves and liars. I will never buy there again and would not send my worst enemy there to buy a vehicle. Jeff from Cheektowaga.

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