Mechanic Advisor

Exhaust Repair in Gardnerville

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Auto Reviews in the Gardnerville Area

  • Talk about poor representation - My sister had an awkward issue with r... read more Talk about poor representation - My sister had an awkward issue with representative of this company. The woman was so spiteful and childish over a parking spot she literally blocked the parking space purposely at the Carson Valley Casino so my sister could not park - My sister had to call security to ask her to move while she talked on her cell phone, once the security guard asked her to move, she then had the audacity to drive around the parking lot and take pictures of my sisters license plate. I guess she doesn't like black people. Talk about entitled and privileged - WOW - this small family owned business needs to lighten up

  • JohnreviewedG & D Auto Repair

    This shop is as crooked as they get, they charged 3x what another shop... read more This shop is as crooked as they get, they charged 3x what another shop would have and didn't even fix the problem - I'm now suing them to get my $2,300 back

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