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Auto Repair in Ringoes

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Auto Reviews in the Ringoes Area

  • HollyreviewedCarlo's Auto Repair

    We've been going to Carlo's for about three years now, and have nothin... read more We've been going to Carlo's for about three years now, and have nothing but GREAT things to say about this establishment. We've dealt with mechanics in several states across the U.S. and overseas, and Carlo's is the most comfortable place we've every dealt with. They are excellent about contacting us with an estimate - and options about repair work (what needs to be done immediately, what we could reasonably do ourselves, etc.) - before making any repairs.

  • JamesreviewedUnion Line Garage

    If you live in central/south jersey (or a reasonable distance).  Owns ... read more If you live in central/south jersey (or a reasonable distance).  Owns a car you care about and/or plan to own for years. Don't want to pay dealership price for the same, and in most cases better customer and car service.  And/or need a knowledgeable, trustworthy, dependable, courteous and cost-effective auto technician...YOU SHOULD KNOW UNION LINE GARAGE IN HOPEWELL.   These guys are one of the best in the business. I have so much confidence in them that 'twas it not for legal reasons, and the size of my bank account...I would offer to pay for your repairs at another shop if you can prove said shop provided better workmanship, price and service than Union Line Garage. 

  • Not recommended at all. Horrible service. OVERPRICED. Go in for a t... read more Not recommended at all. Horrible service. OVERPRICED. Go in for a tune-up and am told engine needs replacing???? What's up with that? Tom Matthews was very abrupt with us. Basically told us, we owed him $250 for a tune up without even letting us know price first but engine would only last a month or so. Disagree with Marlene for sure - NOT honest, polite or caring at all.

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