Stopped in to check out a 2004 Chevy Silverado 2500hd 6.0L crew cab tr... read more Stopped in to check out a 2004 Chevy Silverado 2500hd 6.0L crew cab truck on a monday. Truck had rust which was typical of this Chevy truck,( rusted out rockers and driverside cab corner) started it up found a broken ground wire under the hood area, oil leaking all over engine, a metal tinging sound from under the hood and the dash reading needs oil changed. Then as the Car saleswoman's husband showed up he asked how I liked it. I told him its not bad but then I noticed the check engine light on and he saw it too. I told him I had a OTC scanner and asked if I could hook it up he said no problem. After running a key on engine off scan there was 14 codes. 12 were in history for various things some bad some not so bad and then a hard Knock sensor pending and a bank 2 knock sensor confirmed. For those that don't know you have to pull off the entire upper intake manifold and all associated wiring and sensors to replace those. I said well it a little more than I wanted to get into right now with winter coming and I don't have a garage. He said he understands and said look I really need to get at least $3500 so if you know someone who might be interested tell them 3700 and I'll throw you a few bucks or if you change your mind I'll sell it to you for $3500. I mulled it over till Wednesday, went back to test drive truck to check trans out and decided to buy it Thursday for the $3500 i showed up at 2:15 and sales lady had to pick her daughter up by 2;30 so they were closing and I didn't want to hold her up. NOW here is where it gets interesting: so the wife who works there ( sales lady) says when will you be here I said between 11-12 and asked if she could tell me the full price and explained that her husband said he'd tell her to sell it to me for $3500 if I came back because he was going out of town, well he didn't. She said price was $5295 and I explained what her husband had said. She said well he won't be back till next week and I could try to call him if I wanted to. I got a hold of his brother who apparently owns the car lot and told him what was going on and to have his brother ( the husband ) get in touch with either me or his wife to clear this up and stand by his word. Well in between that the wife texted saying she couldn't sell it to me for that price because she had other people calling offering full price. I said well I'll have to call her husband and we will go from there. Then she offered it to me for $4500, even though people are offering you full price?? I said I'll wait to her from husband and see if he stands by his word. Then after a few minutes she says and I quote: "My Husband and I work here. I didn't know my husband had a deal with you. My brothers Own the lot and they said $4000 is the bottom, the day you talked to my husband they needed the money to buy another vehicle. I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Let me know what you think." What I think is bait and switch. Lie,cheat,and steal. Don't have people on the lot offer deals that you aren't willing to stand behind 100% I would avoid doing business with them if I were you over priced for the junk they offer.
They always provide fast, courteous service that's reasonably priced. ... read more They always provide fast, courteous service that's reasonably priced. It's so nice to have a versatile mechanic you can trust. Darlene Austin
The only shop my family trusts with our vehicles when the service don'... read more The only shop my family trusts with our vehicles when the service don't require special dealership programs in the computers. Very fair prices for service. I might honestly say too low. William McPoyle