Mechanic Advisor

Auto Repair in Bridgeton

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Auto Reviews in the Bridgeton Area

  • AndreyreviewedExpress Auto

    Best deal Ever!

  • This place is a major ripoff, the car dealer Bill is a fraud. He lied ... read more This place is a major ripoff, the car dealer Bill is a fraud. He lied to my face about the car saying "it drives great" "shifts smooth" "good brakes". They were all flat out lies, once I took the car to the mechanic. I was stupid for trusting this fraud, but I have learned my lesson never to trust places like this. Beware of bill and all the other car dealers there, frauds. I have over 3000 dollars in car repair bills after I just bought the car, that drives great.

  • CeeloreviewedBidic Auto Lines

    I purchased a 2008 BMW from Bidic Auto... I had NO Problems what so ev... read more I purchased a 2008 BMW from Bidic Auto... I had NO Problems what so ever.! I thought they were Great, with welcoming me into the Bidic family... I would Love to see them Back in good faith and up and running again... Truly yours..... Ceelo Montana (609) 317-3103

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