Mechanic Advisor

Auto Repair in Battleboro

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Auto Reviews in the Battleboro Area

  • Great experience! They got me financed and no one else could? Great ve... read more Great experience! They got me financed and no one else could? Great vehicles and friendly people. The process took awhile as they do not do 30 day tags, but it was nice to leave there with a real metal tag instead of paper plates! The cops don't seem to bother you as! Good people... I will be back!

  • Could not get financed for the life of me anywhere. Single dad, job...... read more Could not get financed for the life of me anywhere. Single dad, job... and no car. They got me into a really sweet SUV with no credit check. I needed a break and they gave me one... thanks! I think I paid a wee bit more than some places maybe, but those places talked the talk but would not walk the walk! I'm happy and driving.

  • These folks did good! I was financed with no real credit checks and wh... read more These folks did good! I was financed with no real credit checks and what they asked for was pretty simple to give them. Had to prove where I live and my income, a couple of personal references and some insurance and I was on my way in my new truck! Had a small issue a week later... and they took care of it as soon as I could get it to the mechanic guy. I was pleased and would recomend to others.

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