Any manager that gossips, slanders, and complains about employees to c... read more Any manager that gossips, slanders, and complains about employees to customers is unethical and unprofessional. I have never experienced a more deplorable and classless "manager" adult in all my life. If you go into the store the manager has nothing nice to say about employees ??. If you see her out and about it is the same thing. The store isn't even open lady, shut up. Manager needs training in ethics and should be removed permanently. Any customer that supports this business and puts up with this sort of reckless behavior should be ashamed and is no better than she. What happens within your store is no one's business and should be handled appropriately. The company should be ashamed to have such an unprofessional person that creates such a toxic work environment. I highly doubt the company was not made aware of her unprofessional behavior. Hopefully, when the store reopens management will be brand new alongside the building. What a despicable person. Learn how to keep your mouth shut and behave as a working class professional. I Will never support a business with such horrible management.
Leary is an immaculate shop w great car passion and they take great ca... read more Leary is an immaculate shop w great car passion and they take great care in their work.
I have a 1967 NADA 109 Land Rover. I brought it into J. Whites Automot... read more I have a 1967 NADA 109 Land Rover. I brought it into J. Whites Automotive to have general service done along with a brake job. They did an outstanding job on my Land Rover,. The service was so top notch that I got to tell you about it. In the past few years she has been showing her age in the way she been running. I use to have her picked up once a year on a flat bed and she was trucked up to VT for maintenance. I was going to put her up for sale after 20 plus years. Here is what happened: J Whites went through entire vehicle. The 109 now runs like it did in 1967! It never skips a beat; the steering is awesome with no play in the wheel. You can take your hand off the wheel and it now stops on a dime straight even time. J. White has got this rover running so good that I am keeping it and when I take it out I leave my AAA card at home. I highly recommend J Whites Automotive.