A waste of time & put me in a position to not have my boat ready for t... read more A waste of time & put me in a position to not have my boat ready for the season. Back in Feb. I filled out a service appt request on line for mid April I received an auto response that they received it , after a couple of weeks I called to verify an appointment and was told they don't take service appt on line but somehow they had it. The service manager recommended I change it to May as it may be to early to put in the water. I made an appt for May 9 . Upon showing up on May 9 now I was told they don't make appt & would just have to go to the end of the list & may not get my boat by the Holiday. After traveling 40 miles & not making an appt elsewhere I left my boat . After a week I received a phone call telling me that they only had one tech & the boss took him off service was only getting new boats ready & I should pickup my boat. I am warning everyone don't bring your boat here for service & who would buy a boat were you cant count on service. BEWARE!!!