My alternator took a dump, I needed towing in Naperville near me to a ... read more My alternator took a dump, I needed towing in Naperville near me to a local auto repair shop and this Naperville towing company made the situation as pain free as possible. I really appreciate the quick tow truck service and auto repair shop referral. Thanks again Tow Recover Assist!
There is a lot of towing companies in Naperville, IL. I called them al... read more There is a lot of towing companies in Naperville, IL. I called them all, because I was broke plus I didn t get paid until Friday. Found Tow Recover Assist on Yahoo and was most happy even being broke and all, they still took care of me. Offered to bring me to one of their local partnered repair shops and then I wouldn t have to pay for the tow until I picked up my vehicle. In case you were wondering I have an 05 Ford Taurus, the alternator took a dump on my way to work. They were there in 40 minutes got me right over to the shop, even gave me a lift to work. Great service, highly recommended, thanks everyone!
I stopped at the place to check loud noise seemingly coming from my ti... read more I stopped at the place to check loud noise seemingly coming from my tires, but after a "dedicated" checkup i was given a quote for 960$. The Problem was both my front wheel bearings, they said. The price of each bearing without the labor was over 300, the guy told me. I took the car elsewhere and they fixed it for 250$ with labor. Apparently it was left rear bearing that was wrong, not the two front ones as they told me in Cassidy Tire and service. I replaced my rear bearing and the car is running like new. IF there was a place to upload pictures i would upload the quote i got from Cassidy Tire and Service and the place that i actually fixed my car in. How can a licensed mechanic tell me two of my front wheel bearings are bad, when actually it was a rear ? I'm so glad i didn't fix my car there and i advising everyone i know to do the same