I took my 2006 Impala in to have much needed service performed, hoses,... read more I took my 2006 Impala in to have much needed service performed, hoses, belts, plugs, oil and coolant leaks, broken A/C, rear window not working, struts, … I am still impressed with the work. Things were fixed that I never expected, basically the “Car Doctor” exceeded my expectations, that is hard to do for a car mechanic.
There are a lot of good wrenches in the world, but there are few who a... read more There are a lot of good wrenches in the world, but there are few who are also able to run an elite business. Angie runs one of the best businesses I've ever had the pleasure of working with. She does what she says she is going to do. The cars are well taken care of. She communicates well using text message, email, and follow up calls. I always felt like I knew what was going on, and that she cared about my business, and my car. I trust her with my Porsche now, and plan to trust her wth many more in the future. Thank you for doing this well, Angie! Cheers! Jay W.