Mechanic Advisor

Volvo Repair in Palm Bay

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Truck Reviews in the Palm Bay Area

  • Mike and his team of technicians provided excellent service at competi... read more Mike and his team of technicians provided excellent service at competitive prices and we were very pleased. I would recommend CFFS to anyone passing through the area. Mike and his staff were very professional and caring. Excellent experience!

  • Excellent, car steers and rides like new. A quarter of the price of th... read more Excellent, car steers and rides like new. A quarter of the price of the dealer.

  • INCREDIBLY DI$HONEST AND INCOMPETENT! I told them I needed a sensor o... read more INCREDIBLY DI$HONEST AND INCOMPETENT! I told them I needed a sensor on the rear top of the engine (granted, hard to see) which was leaking excessive oil, mostly down the OUTside of bell housing with trace amounts inside bell housing. They declared it had to be the rear main $eal, ruling out one of the sensors immediately. I asked why there would be so much oil outside and not ANY straight down below the main, they declared it must be leaking from the top of the main and hitting the flywheel and $pinning out.... Once they ripped out the transmission, I was there to confirm the rear main seal was NOT leaking AT ALL, it was the camshaft sensor on top. I reluctantly agreed to have the rear main seal replaced WITH the sensor, since it was already opened up and 175K miles. After paying an EXCE$$IVE amount to collect my truck I discovered not only did they, lie about where they bought the parts when I asked ...(I requested NOT from a discount store Advanced or Auto Zone).. but they also marked up the parts 120% ABOVE MY COST!! When I walked in days later to discuss this, he actually told me that’s how they make money, not through service as I then suggested. I am STILL waiting on the owners to contact me to attempt some remedy of this $ituation. Be Warned!!

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