Brought my 2000 Dakota in for heater Core replacement. Told it would ... read more Brought my 2000 Dakota in for heater Core replacement. Told it would take a day or two. Brought new set of headlights to be installed at 50 apiece. Two days turned into almost 2wks. due to additional work suggested. Freon replacement which turned into a new A/C condenser. New plugs, coil, and labor. 2350.oo later I pick up the truck and the engine light is still on. Told all systems were fine and to drive it a week while technician researched it. Drove it in town Fri and Sat but was in-operable at night because passenger headlight would not come on. Also, fog lights would come on by themselves and would not shut off short of disconnecting the battery. Was driving to La Grange on Mon. and didn't make it 50miles before it over heated,. Now I'm told the engine is beyond repair because I drove it to the first exit. If it was repaired it would not have over heated in the first place. Now I'm not only out 2350.00 I'm out transportation. Don't stay away from Auto Network…Run Away!
Excellent service, friendly staff, no worries taking my car here, they... read more Excellent service, friendly staff, no worries taking my car here, they always know what to do and do it correctly. No shortcuts done a Leatherman's. Highly recommend them for your car, no matter the make.